have on stock one container of 1400 gr+ Cod fillets mars-april-may 2020. Packed bulck 500 kg.
Good competitive price. Handfilleted fillets og good quality. Skin-on pbi.
please come back on y interest a.s.a.p.
have on stock one container of 1400 gr+ Cod fillets mars-april-may 2020. Packed bulck 500 kg.
Good competitive price. Handfilleted fillets og good quality. Skin-on pbi.
please come back on y interest a.s.a.p.
Can offer now on competitive price 1-2 containers of Salmon. Iceland orgigin and production. New production june-july-august 2020.
Breakdown of container 1) 17 of 5-7 kg packed in bulck 450 kg each salmon plasted and 23 boxes of
7-10 kg .
breakdown of container no. 2 : 16 of 5-7 kg, 20 cs of 7-10 kg and 4 boxes of 10 kg +.
please come back on y interest a.s.a.p.